My web developer portfolio and resume
After months of hard work, my portfolio is finally done. I could probably spend several more months fine tuning some areas and improving the code, but then I would keep finding excuses to not put it out in the world and start actually applying for jobs. I can always keep coding and learning as I apply. I also created my resume. I decided to use Canva to do so. It allowed me to save my progress and play around with the formatting. Canva is actually pretty great for design. Some research I am across mentioned how it's not the best platform to use for resumes, just because the templates are too elaborate and have too many columns. It discussed how recruiters will probably only spend a second or two glancing over it, so unless you Bill Gates, it should only be 1 page and not so wordy. I chose a simple template. There's no design or color, just the basic needed information separated by lines. I then Googled how to write a web developer resume when you have no work ...